The Start up Village Entrepreneurship Program

The Start up Village Entrepreneurship Program is a sub componenet of DeendayalAntyodayaYojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) of the Ministry of Rural Development. SVEP aims to support entrepreneurs in rural areas to set up local enterprises

Vision and Scope

The long term vision of the SVEP is to provide support for start-up to 1 crore village enterprises and provide direct employment to 2 crore people. The SVEP shall help the rural poor come out of poverty by helping them set up enterprises and provide support till the enterprises stabilize. The programmatic intervention will address all three missing ecosystems – Knowledge, advisory and finance ecosystems.


The overall objective of SVEP is to implement the Government’s efforts to stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty and unemployment in the villages by helping start and support rural enterprises.


Any Rural poor who is willing to be entrepreneurial and self reliant is eligible to be part of this programme. Highly vulnerable beneficiaries under MGNREGA, marginalized sections, women, SC and ST communities and rural artisans will be given specific preference in selection, as part of this programme.


The NRLM SHG’s and federations are a critical pre-requisite for the implementation of the SVEP project. These community based institutions provide help in the identification of the potential entrepreneurs and the common resource persons (CRP EP)s, help in doing the due diligence for their credit worthiness and also monitor the work of the Community Resource Persons (CRP-EP’s). Post the starting of the enterprise and providing credit to it, the community based institutions also monitor the progress of the enterprise and its repayment along with the CRP-EP.