In the government sponsored skill training eco-system of the country, DDU-GKY is one the bigger programmes.

The DDU-GKY skilling ecosystem consists of The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) or the National Mission Management Unit (NMMU or NU), State Missions, Project Implementing agencies or training partners and Technical Support Agencies. Curriculum support is through National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) and the Sector Skill Councils (SSC) of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). Combined with industry partnerships and partnerships with employers, the ecosystem comes together to provide the best possible training and gainful employment for a candidate.    

The Stakeholders of the Skilling Ecosystem include:

The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD )/ National Mission Management Unit (NU)

The MoRD plays the pivotal role of a National Mission Management Unit (NU). It is actively working towards sustainable and inclusive growth of rural poor in India through a multidimensional strategy for eradication of poverty, which include increasing livelihood opportunities, through skill development and placement into wage employment.

The MoRD provides the central government component of investment for projects. Additionally, it functions as a policy making, technical support and facilitation agency and provides monitoring and implementation support. It has adopted the vision to transform rural poor youth into an economically independent and globally relevant workforce, and has evolved the strategy for DDU-GKY in keeping with this vision.

State Missions

State Skills Development Missions (SSMs) and/or State Rural Livelihood Missions (SRLMs) provide the state government level support and funding for DDU-GKY projects.

Some states have taken the lead in converging all centrally sponsored programs in one entity. The benefits of such entities lie in optimal utilization of resources, the ability to build scale and in converging top-up funds where necessary.

For example, States such as Rajasthan, Odisha and UP have set up Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC), Odisha Rural Development & Marketing Society (ORMAS) and UP Skill Development Program (UPSDM) respectively, especially to carry forward livelihood and skill development and initiative respectively. When a State is able to plan budgets, recruit project implementation partners, build and manage projects adequately, they are given the ‘Action Plan State (APS)’ status by DDU-GKY. An Action Plan State builds its own plan for the year, which is then, subject to approval, invested into by the MoRD. The investment is utilized by the APS state to implement skill training program with their approved partners. While the MoRD involvement is reduced, State coordinators are appointed to manage the critical components of delivery such as social inclusion, inspections and adherence to standards.

Those who need the support of the MoRD in planning and implementation remain Year Plan States (YPS). In the Year Plan states, MoRD through its Technical Support Agencies (TSA) plans and implements projects. DDU-GKY actively supports all states in Institution building & capacity through support costs and technical support interventions like Workshops and Seminars etc.

Training Partners

Training Partners are the project Implementation Agencies (PIA) for the DDU-GKY, they are the bridge between DDU-GKY the candidates and employers, they ensure that candidates benefit and provide the tools for transformation.

Our training partners bring together the right trainers, experts, sector knowledge and infrastructure. They plan and execute projects to build an employable workforce. They conduct awareness building activities such as mobilization camps, job-melas and events etc. They also engage with industry to identify and discover demand for skilled workers, build guest lectures and industry visits and to make sure a trained candidate gets exposure and provide practical training so that an employer gets a ready candidate.

Technical Support and Knowledge partners

  • Sector Skill Councils (SSC)
  • National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT)
  • Technical Support Agencies : NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS) and National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD)

To keep communication seamless and enhance better coordination amongst the stakeholders, National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD) and NABARD Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. (NABCONS) have been selected to play the role of TSAs and carry out the task of coordinating and monitoring and evaluation of projects.

Their activities include,

  • Project appraisals and inspections
  • Concurrent Monitoring & Evaluation of project performance
  • Release of funding (directly to PIAs in YPS and the states in APS)
  • Recommendations for remedial action where necessary
  • Closing projects

MoRD has assigned one Technical Support Agency for each state. To know which TSA works with which state, click here. Additionally, Technical Support Agencies work with MoRD on developmental projects like adaptations to SOPs, consultations with industry and Civil Society Organizations on policy matters etc.