Identification of rural poor women and mobilized them into SHG and its higher level federation at village and cluster level. Providing various capacity building to these institutions and providing catalytic capital. Promoting various community cadres to provide handholding support to community institutions.
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Enabling the poor households, especially those belonging to the most vulnerable sections of the society, to access financial inclusion services in adequate and timely manner. Making the poor the preferred client of the Bankers.
Improvement/promotion/ up-scaling of existing livelihoods of the poor and introduction of new livelihoods (if necessary). Focus on expanding the existing livelihoods. Enable the poor to profess farm, non-farm and off-farm livelihoods and promote multiple sustainable livelihoods.
- Provide skills & placement jobs to the rural youth through PIAs (Project Implement Agencies and reduce underemployment and unemployment problems of the rural poor.
- Promote entrepreneurship for self employment to the rural poor belongings to 18-35 years of age through RSETIs (Rural Self Employment Training Institute) in partnership with Banks.
- Promote infrastructure to enhance livelihoods and marketing of the rural poor. The infrastructure to be run and managed by the institutions of the poor.
- Facilitate and promote marketing of the rural products through fairs/ melas, e-shops and networking with likeminded organizations. To organize market fairs and also to enable SHGs members to participate at various market fairs in and outside the State.
Endeavour to have good partnership with various likeminded organizations/ departments/ agencies and work towards having meaningful convergence for sustainable rural development.
Promote innovation and replication of the best practices for the poor. To organize innovative forum regularly to showcase the various innovation of the State and country for cross learning and development participate with SHGs in other innovative forums.